Beginner Level –1
- Introduction to Chess
- Chess Board setup and Name of Pieces
- Initial Position of pieces
- Movement of Pieces
- Value of Pieces
- Rules
- Capture and Exchange
- Files, Ranks, Diagonals, Center
- Checkmate and Stalemate
- Special Rules – Castling, Pawn Promotion, and En Passant

Beginner Level –2
Elementary Checkmates
- King + Queen Vs King
- King + Queen Vs King
- King + 2 Rooks Vs King
- King + Rook Vs King
- King + 2 Bishops Vs King
Check Combination
- Checkmate in 1 move
- Checkmate in 2 move
Pin (basic)
Fork (basic)
Intermediate Level –1
- Absolute Pin
- Relative Pin
Checkmate in 3 moves
Checkmate in 4 moves
Double Attack
Discovered Check

IntermediateLevel –2
Opening Basics
- Center control
- Development of pieces
- Placing piece on good squares
- Coordination of pieces
Opening – Giuoco Piano (King Pawn Opening)
Checkmate in 3 moves
Checkmate in 4 moves
Double Attack
Discovered Check
Intermediate Level –3
- Discovered Attack
- Decoy
- X – ray
- Attraction
- Interference
- Over worked piece

IntermediateLevel –4
- Preparing an Opening repertoire according to need of Intermediate level
- Open files and Diagonals
Pawn Structure
- Double Pawns
- Isolated Pawn
- Connected Pawns
- Backward Pawn
- Passed Pawn
Double Check
Trapped Man
Advanced Level –1
Types of Centre
- Open Centre
- Closed Centre
- Static Centre
- Dynamic Centre
- Pawn Centre
Pawn Endgames
Opening Repertoire for Advanced Level player
Space Advantage
In depth analysis of Opening lines
Pawn chain
Pawn wedge
Exploiting an Advantage
Knight Endgames
Including Pieces into Attack
Greek gift
Focal Point g7
Sacrifice on f7
Sacrifice on h6
Rook Lifting
Bishop Vs Knight
Positional Sacrifices